Since the optimal layer height was found at 6.5 mm with a 5 mm nozzle, the layer bonding and printing height are up for the test.
Starting Settings:
Temperature: 183 °C
Printspeed: 5 mm/s
Printlayer: 6.5 mm
Nozzle Diameter: 5 mm

The first two marks point out that the temperature was decreased. Especially from the second mark onward an increase of quality is observed. During these layers the printing temperatures decreased to 169 °C.
At the third mark the temperature was increased again, immediately having effect on the output of the material.
The last two marks indicate the printing speed was increased with 2 mm/s each layer from 5 mm/s to 15 mm/s. This change in parameters prevented the layers of bonding

After cooling the layers are properly bonded and the print has good strength. Specific information on the mechanical properties will be tested later on.
In terms of printing height no obstacles are found other than the right set of parameters.